Click on the website address to activate
an organization’s webpage address
City of Beaumont
Note: This is the main website that will get you into many City services
Search "Seniors" and watch for events such as annual Seniors Week in May
Beaumont Library
Note: Seniors' Corner, 2nd Tuesday/month 1-2:30 pm.
RMCP Beaumont Detachment
Note: Information about Fraud Prevention
Beaumont Recreation Centre
Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre | Beaumont, AB
Beaumont FCSS
C.A.R.P.—A New Vision of Aging is Canada
Drive Happiness
Drive Happiness – Seniors Assisted Transportation
My Health Matters
Stay Home Living - a senior friendly app (games, etc.)
Alberta Seniors Financial Assistance Programs
Alberta Special Needs Assistance for Seniors
Alberta Victims Services
Alberta 55 Plus (Summer & Winter Games)
Protection from Fraud and Scams (Government of Canada)
Protection from frauds and scams -
Leduc Food Bank
Explore Health (How to Prevent Falls at Home)